Tag Archives: Blogging

Help is on the way

What’s the first blogging rule?

I think it may be that one has to keep on bloggin’!

That and “Content is King,” of course.   But if there’s no posting, even the most isolationist king is bound to get bored and lonely. Perhaps I’d just better quit mixing metaphors and get on with it.

I’ve joined Darren Rowse’ “31 Days to Building a Better Blog.”  I Think I may even have convinced husband-never-hubby to join me.  Wow!  Duelling bloggers. The idea is that we have an assignment every day for a month.  I reckon you will get to be the judge of whether it helps here in this space or not.  At least I hope it gives you a reason to check back in and see if I’ve managed to add any jewels to the Content King’s crown.

What’s our fitness discussion of the day? Oh there are some many in my blogging folder over there in the Word Folder.  But that’s my problem:  I’m a collector of possibilities and a little of a perfectionist.  So this trick is to get the ideas from the folder to the blog.  I’m just going to go out on a limb here and say that for some of us the best exercise is the exercise of self-discipline.

Yep! You heard it here — a new idea is born into the world. Not only do we have to exercise self-discipline, it is hard to do! Perhaps you may be like me just a bit.  If I think literally about exercising self-discipline and create a mental image of actual exercise, it helps!  Something about the mind and body moving in concert towards a similar goal — whether to the MS Word cupboard to retrieve an idea for a blog or to the basement to walk on the treadmill or even to the laundry room to pull on yoga pants (well, sweats, okay?), sometimes that juncture of thought and movement can well create desire and small increments of change.

What is the small change that you will initiate today by joining the intentions of your mind to the movements of your body?